Regional & Governance of Kangean
Sumenep District
Although the island, including areas still Kangean District Roma. There are three sub-districts in the Kangean, namely Arjasa, Sapeken, district and subdistrict Kangayan results Arjasa. Subdistrict Arjasa supervise Kangean island to the west, Kangayan Kangean Island supervise the east, while Sapeken supervise small islands and dominate the eastern island Kangean (among other Sapeken, Paliat, Sadulang Large, Small Sadulang,
Pagerungan Large, Small and Pagerungan).

Kangean ± a distance of 100 km from Sumenep. Transportation is currently ships are managed by PT. Dharma Ocean and Sumekar Line (owned Goverment of Sumenep). With this public transportation Kangean can shuttle to the island of Madura, almost every day. The average travel time to Kangean island about 7-10 hours from the port of Kalabagh.
Kangean island community known very friendly, polite and religious. In addition, residents have said the words and language (dialect) among the diverse regions. special sapeken and several small islands around, the people who inhabit this island, using various languages, such as Bajo language, the language mandar, macassar language and some local languages derived from Celebes. this is not clear, because the people of these islands, the population is the seafarer who came from sulawesi. Like the other residents who occupy the big island (Kangean), especially those living in the district arjasa, they still use the language madurese with little difference in dialect. At the level of education, have advanced quite a bit. Many alumni from the schools in the archipelago, which is then continue their education to universities and the private sector in the country town - big cities in Java. But unfortunately most of them, after completing education, the average - the average they do not want to return again to build Kangean island. Once they succeed, they prefer to live outside the Kangean island. Such as Bali, Java, Sumatra and Borneo, (mostly in Java).
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